Acai Berry Juice – A Nutritional Profile

Drinking fruit juice is a superb way to boost the percentage of nutrients that we absorb from fruits, and most notably – antioxidants. A juice machine will sufficiently tear open the tightly bound fibers in fruits to free great numbers of antioxidants making them available for digestion.

Drinking fruit juice is a superb way to boost the percentage of nutrients that we absorb from fruits, and most notably – antioxidants. A juice machine will sufficiently tear open the tightly bound fibers in fruits to free great numbers of antioxidants making them available for digestion. If we eat whole fruits, we just loosen a small amount of these antioxidants by comparison. Basically, when we create fruit juicer recipes we let go of fiber to achieve a boost in the number of other nutrition.

It is also interesting to understand that the different colors of fruits point out what specific antioxidants they embody. These antioxidants are the plant pigments that deliver this wonderful stream of color. This is why it is a great idea to eat/drink as many colors as we can to take advantage of the plethora of antioxidants and their respective benefits. So, let’s investigate the respective colors, which antioxidants create them and the benefits for health they may provide.

Blue/Purple Fruits 

Blueberries, blackcurrant, acai berries and some species of cranberries are a superb source of antioxidants called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins create distinctive hues of blue moving to almost black based their concentrations and their acidity levels. Anthocyanins help maintain strong and supple arteries to keep at bay heart disease, raised blood pressure levels and they also help defend us against cancer.

Red Fruits 

It is an antioxidant called lycopene that creates the red coloring in fruits. Lycopene has been one of the more often-studied of antioxidants and discovered to be very effective at lowering our chances of developing cancer and especially at reducing the risk of prostate cancer in men. Inexplicably. lycopene assembles inside of the prostate tissue to protect it from free-radical damage that sometimes results in cancerous growths.

Yellow Fruits 

It is an antioxidant called hydroxy carotenoid that creates the yellow color in lemons, yellow plums, and other yellow fruits. In spite of the fact, there is very little data referring to the effects of this antioxidant, hydroxy carotenoid can help protect us from cancer and heart-related problems as all antioxidants do.

Orange Fruits 

Orangesx.gif, guava, and other orange-hued fruits contain the powerful antioxidant called beta-carotene. Research has shown that beta-carotene is excessively powerful at defending us against cardiovascular problems and connected conditions. One study concluded that elderly people who eat at least a serving of beta-carotene rich foods each day are fifty percent less likely to fall victim to a coronary infarction as the people who eat less than one serving a  day!