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 The Next Evolution in Cigar Enjoyment
Cigars have a long standing tradition of being a sophisticated way to celebrate the important things in life: births, graduations, promotions, marriages, and conversations with friends.  The custom of enjoying a cigar with those that matter most entices us to take a moment to slow down and appreciate the successes in life.  However, with the restrictions imposed on conventional tobacco, as well as the inconvenience posed by second and third hand smoke, these time-honored rituals have become less prevalent.

But what if there was a way to embrace these traditions while avoiding the negative aspects that have come to be associated with conventional tobacco?  With this objective in mind, Antonio Villard has created a unique product that will allow the tradition of celebration to endure for decades to come.  Blending the custom of enjoying a cigar with the emerging technology of electronic smoking devices to provide a premium cigar experience, Antonio Villard brings you the world’s finest premium electronic cigar that looks, tastes and feels like the real thing.

In an industry that is littered with poor quality substitutes for conventional tobacco cigars, Antonio Villard has redefined the elegance of celebration by providing a viable alternative to standard tobacco. Antonio Villard Premium Electronic Cigars are not only free from carcinogens and cancer-causing chemicals that usually accompany smoking a regular cigar, but with no lingering smell, no ash and no flame, they appeal to a wide variety of adults who are looking for a way to celebrate without the negatives of conventional tobacco. Electronic cigars, designed to be used without the complications of regular tobacco, remind us that life’s greatest moments deserve to be honored properly.

“We have long stood by the idea that the power of our electronic cigars is in the entire cigar experience.  It isn’t just the taste, but it is the look and feel as well.  Our design allows for the enjoyment of a cigar without any of the smoke, lingering smell or ash. 
Not to mention that with an Antonio Villard Premium Electronic Cigar, you can enjoy it anytime and anywhere you wish.”                                -Antonio Villard

An appealing alternative for conventional cigars, Antonio Villard Premium Electronic Cigars have also made a traditionally male industry much more accessible to females.  “Wives and daughters are not only purchasing our e cigars for their husbands and fathers, but ladies are purchasing them for a girl’s night out or as a unique way to celebrate a bachelorette party.  It’s about appreciating the finer things in life,” says Tristan McMurphy, Antonio Villard’s COO

In addition to celebrating special occasions, Antonio Villard allows you the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of your favorite restaurant, club or hotel with the time-honored elegance of a cigar experience.  It is no secret that smoking bans have stifled restaurants, bars and nightclubs (as well as a variety of other venues), and for good reason.  Conventional tobacco smoking causes significant pollution to the air quality of any establishment, as well as generating smells that have caused cigar smokers to be moved outside.  Even those establishments that were once friendly to cigar smokers have been forced to drive smokers outside, which definitely puts a damper on the atmosphere of these establishments.  With Antonio Villard Premium Electronic Cigars, this no longer has to be the case.

Antonio Villard Premium Electronic Cigars have set the new standard for excellence in the electronic cigar industry, but they have not been content to simply release a high quality product.  The vision of Antonio Villard goes beyond a premium cigar experience and reinforces a lifestyle that focuses on the importance of celebration and enjoyment.  Nowhere is this lifestyle more evident than in the Antonio Villard Cigar Girls.  Part customer service expert, part product expert and entirely memorable, the Villard Girls embody the elegant blending of tradition and technology.  With their steampunk adaption of traditional cigarette girls, the Villard Girls are perfect product advocates for corporate conventions, special events or as hostesses for nightclubs and bars.

More than just an intriguing new product, these electronic cigars reinforce a lifestyle of celebration and enjoyment.  Antonio Villard Premium Electronic Cigars have elevated the cigar experience through superior technology and by focusing on the elegance that has long accompanied this ritual.  Antonio Villard has established a sophisticated brand that has truly become the next evolution of cigar enjoyment.