Cool CBD Edibles that You Can Make at Home

Have you ever been interested in making your own CBD edibles? Making marijuana-based edibles is a cool way to spend an afternoon; plus you get to eat tasty snacks that contain a powerful healing compound. CBD edibles are actually quite popular these days; you can find things like cakes, chocolates, smoothies, and many more food products on the internet and in local stores. 

What’s different with these products is perhaps the CBD concentration, and the type of plant it was extracted from. Remember some types of CBD come from cannabis, and others from hemp and the cannabidiol content differs with every extraction process. Some people prefer to add a few more cannabinoids in the food to give it a slight buzz, but you don’t have to worry about this because if you’re making your own edibles then you get to pick out exactly what you want.

What’s so cool about CBD edibles anyway?

They are great because they offer an alternative to THC-based products that some people may find a bit too strong. CBD edibles leave you more relaxed and allow you to deal with things like sleeplessness and pain without getting you stoned, and if your employer conducts regular drug tests, then you obviously need another way to relax. 

CBD contains omega 3 oils and is rich in amino acids, which makes it a fun ingredient to add to your favorite snack. Other health benefits include:

  • Combats pain
  • Helps with anxiety
  • Prevents infection
  • Reduces risk of cancer
  • Reduces the chance of acquiring diabetes
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves mood
  • Increases energy levels
  • Promotes brain health   

Preparing your CBD edibles

Keep in mind that your body won’t process CBD in an edible the same way it does when taken directly. It takes longer to kick in but the effects typically last longer. When creating your recipe, calculate how many servings you want, and try to measure accordingly when adding CBD to the mixture. It important that you mix the compound thoroughly to give your edibles a consistent flavor, and if you can start with a lower dosage, that would be ideal. 

Ideas for your CBD edibles

The good thing is you can add your CBD to just about any savory recipe you have. It doesn’t always have to be the sweet treats; in fact, if you can add it to a healthy, home-cooked meal it would have a great impact on your health. CBD edibles are a simple and effective way to ensure you get a good night’s sleep especially if you’ve struggled with insomnia in the past. 

Are there any side effects to consuming CBD?

Most pharmaceutical drugs come with a warning about the potential side effects, and this makes them unreliable for long-term treatment. CBD doesn’t pose any danger to your health; in fact, what makes it so appealing is the fact that it helps you come off other drugs. As long as your CBD edible doesn’t contain the psychoactive THC, then it won’t be addictive. 

Possible (but mild) side effects:

  • Drowsiness (if taken in high doses)
  • Lightheadedness (caused by a slight drop in blood pressure)
  • Dry mouth
  • Change in appetite

Tips for cooking with CBD oil

Avoid cheap CBD oil as it may not have the right potency. CBD works well with recipes that have some type of fat in them. Use butter or oil where necessary, and add a few drops of CBD oil to your salads, smoothies, milk, etc. There is no right or wrong way to make CBD edibles; what matters most is that the final product tastes good. 

CBD is currently legal in all 50 states, so you should have no problem getting good quality products from vendors. CBD can be taken directly by ingesting a few drops of the oil itself, but adding it to food makes it more fun. To get the full health benefits, you may need to use it for a little while and give your body time to adjust – it’s like incorporating vegetables to your diet. You won’t feel very different tomorrow, but over time, your health will improve.