Courtney Barros—Courtney Cakes: Morgan Hill, CA

Courtney Barros—Courtney Cakes: Morgan Hill, CA

Courtney Barros is the owner and founder of Courtney Cakes in Morgan Hill, CA. Courtney is self-taught and specializes in custom cakes and sugar cookies.

Courtney has been baking casually for decades, but in 2019, she started baking with the intention to be more creative. She realized that the more we use creativity, the more creative we become. In 2020, she decided to make the leap from hobby baker to part-time business owner as a way to support her creative projects. She loves that she has learned so much already from starting a business, and looks forward to continuing to learn.

As a home baker, Courtney loves to bake late at night and listen to audiobooks while her husband, two children, and dog sleep. In spite of losing some sleep herself, her part-time baking job is a wonderful break from parenting and her hectic, full-time day job.

Courtney Cakes can be found at and at