The European Union and Olives from Spain redesign the latest gastronomic tendencies

Olives are the secret to reviving popular dishes

Sushi, baos or ceviches are recipes that delight consumers because they are as full of flavor as history. In the Mediterranean, we have found a way to give a different touch to these new classics, with another millennial ingredient: table olives.

With the fruit of the olive tree, it is very easy to give a new surprisingly delicious approach to the recipes that are most popular with today’s customers. Sushi, ceviche or baos are some of the examples that demonstrate the openness of US consumers to recipes with a twist.  Have an Olive Day, we discover how to reinterpret recipes with the touch of a Mediterranean flavor of table olives.

A fusion that bets on the reinvention of the contemporary tradition of Japanese sushi, the historical tour of the South American ceviche or the ancient culture of Chinese bao, adapting them to the tastes of the 21st century but preserving its essence. In that current, table olives have much to contribute. It is a delicacy with immense possibilities because there are traces of the four basic flavors (sweet, salty, bitter and acidic) within the olives.

These are some of the examples you can find at that demonstrates how easy it is to succeed in professional establishments giving popular recipes a touch of color and Mediterranean flavor:

  • Tuna and olives temaki

  • Olives ceviche, prawns and mango

  • Lamb Bao with olives

Have a trendy day… Have an Olive Day!

About INTERACEITUNA and Olives from Spain

INTERACEITUNA is the Inter-Professional Table Olive Organization recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment that represents the entire producing, processing and marketing sectors of table olives. Created to implement different general interest programs and activities, INTERACEITUNA promotes knowledge of the Spanish table olive and conducts research and development related to the product and production techniques. INTERACEITUNA has partnered with the European Union to promote this product.



