Radio Frequency Company delivers its first Macrowave(tm) Double Bantam Post-Baking Dryer

Macrowave Double Bantam Post-Baking Dryer

Radio Frequency Company delivers its first Macrowave™ Double Bantam Post-Baking Dryer to major Biscuit & Cracker manufacturer.

Macrowave Double Bantam Post-Baking Dryer

Introduced in 2014, the Bantam-Series are a smaller, air-cooled RF drying system designed for smaller regional bakeries with lower throughput requirements.  The Bantam Series provides the same benefits as the larger Ultra-Series such as increased oven productivity (25% or more) elimination of checking, and reduced water activity, at a fraction of the cost both to purchase and to maintain.

However now these smaller systems have caught the eye of the national biscuit and cracker manufacturers for specialty lines where the business case for RF was previously not as solid.  Because these systems require no plant cooling water or heavy electrical services, the installation and maintenance costs are low and the ROI is high due to the increased productivity this technology can provide.

Pricing on the new The Bantam-Series begins at $300k and factory lease plans are also available from Radio Frequency Company.  For more information please contact Tim Clark at 508.376.9555 or e-mail directly at