This portable invention helps you choose the right wine for your next dinner

photooriginalThis portable invention helps you choose the right wine for your next dinner


Valoa Brix is a device that measures the sugar content of a beverage in a bottle without opening it using its unique laser reflection technology. It can measure sugar in white wines, red wines, sparkling wines, liqueurs, and even clear juices.

How it works:

Many companies are using a laser to send out light with a specific wavelength to detect glucose in the blood. The laser generates a specific wavelength of light that is absorbed in a stoichiometric fashion by glucose molecules – the more glucose molecules; the more photons are absorbed. Valoa uses the same technology for estimating glucose concentration in other liquids e.g. beverages, liqueurs, clear juices etc.

Why measuring sugar level is important:

There can be several reasons including:

  1. Wine tasting is an art and many people aren’t very good at knowing the quality of a wine based only on labeling. Valoa Brix allows people to do that without opening a bottle. Same can be done for other liquours and clear juices.
  2. Some people have medical reasons for restricting the sugar amount in their diet
  3. The technology is cool. A geek or a technologist would thoroughly enjoy using this gadget


Call for Action and Contact Information:

The goal of this project is to raise $100,000 by November 29, 2015. The funds raised will go towards production and manufacturing. We would really appreciate if you could cover our story in your publication to provide us some media exposure.


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