What Is the Best Coffee for Cold Brew? 5 Tips You Need to Know

Coffee is an important part of many people’s lives. These little beans are the life fuel to over half of the US population every day.

But not all coffee is the same. And in the summer months, many coffee lovers reach for a refreshing cold brew over their usual hot cup of joe. Real cold-brew coffee is more than just cold coffee, it’s actually a different brewing process altogether.

In fact, cold brew coffee never touches hot water and this brewing process makes for a uniquely smooth flavor that keeps people coming back for more. So what’s the best coffee for cold brew? Keep reading to find out!

  1. Which Bean Is Best

One unique factor of making cold brew coffee is that it is more forgiving than other coffee brewing methods. What this means is that virtually any coffee bean can be made into a delicious cold brew.

With that being said, cold brewing coffee tends to cut down on some of the acidity and bitterness so it is best to pick a bean that won’t work against this change. Coffee beans known for their acidity should be avoided.

The best beans for cold brew are ones with earthy undertones and robust flavors. Once you find your perfect bean consider buying beans in bulk so that you are always ready to make a delicious cold brew.

  1. Dark, Medium, Or Light Roast?

When it comes to which roast to choose for your cold brew, you will find an abundance of differing opinions. The bottom line is that this factor really comes down to personal preference.

Play around with some different roasts and see which you like best. Many coffee enthusiasts say that light roast coffee loses its flavor when put through the cold brew process, and that dark or medium roast flavors hold up better to the long extraction process.

  1. The Perfect Brewing Temperature

To make true cold brew coffee you’ll want to brew the coffee grounds at the right temperature. This temperature is normally between 35 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

You will take your coffee grounds and steep them in the water for up to 24 hours before filtering the coffee grounds out of your fresh batch of cold brew.

  1. Does Grind Matter?

Another thing to consider when making cold brew is the grind of your bean. You’ll want to opt for a coarse grind.

This type of grind allows for the perfect drip during the long extraction period. Finer grinds tend to end up over-extracted and can lead to a bitter taste.

  1. The Extra Effort

If you are going through the process of making cold brew, be sure to take those extra steps to ensure it is the perfect type of coffee. Make coffee ice cubes, so that your cold brew won’t get watered down.

Be sure to use filtered water to give your coffee the cleanest taste possible. Play around with different beans and steep times, so that you find the perfect recipe for your own cold brew.

These little changes will ensure that your cold brew reaches its fullest flavor potential.

Finding The Best Coffee For Cold Brew

As mentioned above, there are few factors that play into finding the best coffee for cold brew. And a lot of it comes down to your own personal flavor preference.

Explore your coffee options and follow these tips to make the perfect cup of cold brew every time. For more tips and tricks, check back on our blog!